Blue Hill Plaza–Power On and Operational
Did you know? Blue Hill Plaza has never lost power to any storm!
The last time our Plaza had to shut down power for more than a few hours was back in 2003. The entire region experienced a blackout due a major power outage in Ohio. The Ohio outage stretched all the way to Canada and across multiple states throughout the North East region of the United States! Blue Hill Plaza voluntary shut down during this outage, due to our voltage being very high, since all of the other areas around our campus lost power immediately. Even a major blackout in 2003 couldn’t stop us–we had our power back on by 1:00 am once everything was stabilized on the grid.
We also had a partial loss of power in 1992 due to a feeder that blew on the property, but power was back on and running in 4 hours flat.
More recently, in 2017 we lost power on the 1st-7th floors due to a ground fault, where a breaker opened up on the ground fault protection. However, we had power back on within an hour and a half.
Our Plaza is indeed a reliable source for power whenever a storm rolls in, and even when we have to shut down or resolve an internal power-related issue, our team always gets the power back in a timely and safe fashion.
Thank you to our Blue Hill Plaza Engineers and surrounding power companies!
Stay safe this winter season.