Blue Hill Plaza Recycling Program
In partnership with Great Forest Sustainability Solutions, our Blue Hill Plaza buildings have a recycling program in place, where all businesses recycle under Local, State, and Federal laws. In order to practice sustainability in the best ways possible, check out these pointers from Great Forest:
Separate and recycle all paper, cardboard, and glass/metal/plastic/beverage carton containers. For example, these are items that should not be placed in trash: electronic waste, universal waste, confidential documents, and bulk waste (which includes large amounts of textiles). Such items must be properly handled, and Property Management can assist you in arranging safe storage and removal of these items if necessary.
Between Quarter one & two, Blue Hill Plaza has had a:
• 12.79 ton increase in total quarterly trash tonnage
• 1.58 ton increase in quarterly recyclable materials
• 2.97% decrease in diversion rate
• Q2 Diversion Rate: 24%
If you have any questions regarding our Recycling Program, please reach out to Property Management at: (845) 735-2400. Thank you!